Station Inventory

Had a theft a while back and lost a lot of gear...
Kenwood TS-590S - Main HF rig (6m - 160m) for digital modes, CW, SSB
Kenwood TS-2000 - Main VHF/UHF rig (70cm - 160m) for local repeaters and satellites 
Radio Shack HTX-242 - VHF rig used for APRS Igate
Yaesu FT-840 - Got it broken and fixed it up.
Yaesu MD-100a8x Mic - Obvious...
Shure 526T Mic - Obvious...
MFJ-949D Antenna tuner - used for getting a 50-Ohm match for my radios on various antennas
MFJ-259b Antenna Analyzer  - used to determine the characteristics of an antenna
NCG-3000 - V/U Power and SWR meter
NCG-2050 - HF Power and SWR meter

Kenwood TM-D710a - Mobile V/U with built in APRS support that I use in my truck
Garmin Nuvi 350 - Used to provide location data to Kenwood
Argent Data G-Trans cable - Connects GPS to Kenwood for APRS location

QRO Go-Kit:
Yaesu FT-840 - Backup HF rig (10m-160m) that I use in my go-kit
Kenwood TM-V71a - Mobile V/U that I use in my go-kit
MFJ-969 Antenna tuner - extended matching abilities that I use in my go-kit
Stanley Contractor Chest with homebrew mounting frame and padding

QRP Go-Kit:
Yaesu FT-817ND - Just got this, fun little low powered (QRP) radio for hiking
Emtech ZM-2 tuner - built from a kit, used for getting a 50-Ohm match for my radio on various antennas
SignaLink USB - used to connect radios to a PC for digital modes
Venom 3200mAh LiPo battery - keep four charged and ready to go
Homebrew 3S LiFE battery - Built by the former owner of the FT-817ND, really nice!
7Ah Sealed Gel Cell Battery - Obvious...
133' doublet antenna - Obvious...
Asus 9904HA EeePC running XP with HRD/DM780 (native 12V so no power supply needed)
Swiss Gear Laptop Bag for the radio, SignaLink, and netbook.

QRPp Go-Kit
Small Wonders Labs Rockmite-40 - 750mW CW only radio that I built from a kit
QRPme Texas Topper 5w amp for the RM-40 that was also a kit

Heath 2762 Variable Regulated Power Supply
Samlex RPS1204 4-6A Power Supply
MFJ-945E Antenna tuner
Generic variable temp soldering station
Generic DMM
Generic Capacitor tester
Suction mount vise
"Helping hands" alligator clip vise

HSMM Mesh "Go-Package":
This all went to a local ARES group

Site 1: 
Cisco/Linksys WRT54G v2 running v1.0 firmware
Cisco 7961G-GE IP Phones running 8.5.4 SIP firmware
Cisco 7914 Extension Module (14 extension sidecar)
Cisco ATA 187 two line ATA
Grandstream HT-286 ATA
Raspberry Pi running Asterisk and Prosody

Site 2:
Cisco/Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 running v1.0 firmware
Cisco 7961G IP Phones running 8.5.4 SIP firmware
APC NetBotz 420 IP Camera and Environment Sensor
Rubbermaid Roughneck 3gl Container

Site 3:
Cisco/Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 running v1.0 firmware
Cisco 7961G IP Phones running 8.5.4 SIP firmware
APC NetBotz 420 IP Camera and Environment Sensor
Rubbermaid Roughneck 3gl Container

Site 4:
Cisco/Linksys WRT54GLS running v1.0 firmware
Cisco 7961G IP Phones running 8.5.4 SIP firmware
Rubbermaid Roughneck 3gl Container