Had a theft a while back and lost a lot of gear...
Radio Shack HTX-242 - VHF rig used for APRS Igate
Yaesu FT-840 - Got it broken and fixed it up.
Yaesu FT-840 - Got it broken and fixed it up.
MFJ-949D Antenna tuner - used for getting a 50-Ohm match for my radios on various antennas
MFJ-259b Antenna Analyzer - used to determine the characteristics of an antenna
SEC-1223 Switching Power Supply - Obvious...
Yaesu FP-1030A Linear Power Supply - Obvious...
Radio Shack 13.8VDC 15A Switching Power Supply - Obvious...
NCG-3000 - V/U Power and SWR meter
NCG-2050 - HF Power and SWR meter
Kenwood TM-D710a - Mobile V/U with built in APRS support that I use in my truck
Heath 2762 Variable Regulated Power Supply
MFJ-945E Antenna tuner
Generic variable temp soldering station
Generic Capacitor tester
Suction mount vise
"Helping hands" alligator clip vise
This all went to a local ARES group